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About Us

The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom


The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom is an independent, non-governmental, organisation based in London. It seeks to educate the public as to the role, history and development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, as well as the position of the UK within this alliance. It further looks to establish an active dialogue concerning the role of Western states in the rest of the world.


Some 41 Atlantic Councils have been established in NATO member countries and more recently in the Partnership for Peace (PfP) states. These organisations were formally bound together following the creation of the Atlantic Treaty Association in 1954. The ATA acts as an umbrella organisation, coordinating the different councils’ efforts to educate the public.


Our Mission


At the Atlantic Council we are committed to the search for a genuinely peaceful international order, based on the rule of law and respect for human rights. The Council will endeavour to raise issues facing the democratic world today, involving a multiplicity of organisations – including political parties. With the transatlantic relationship remaining at the core of all our activities, and NATO at centre stage.


Message from the Board


"The world has changed significantly over the past year, for the first time since the Second World War a European nation has invaded another. That same nation continues to spread fear and insecurity across its borders and throughout Europe. The Atlantic Council has again had its mission re-affirmed. Democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law cannot be taken for granted but must be actively promoted and those parties which seek to undermine these values resisted at every turn. Russian aggression and Russian disregard for the rules governing our international systems cannot be allowed to go unremarked. Russian efforts to undermine Western society through Propaganda, subversion and intimidation cannot be allowed to stand. The Atlantic Council does not stand alone and with every supporter gained and every pound donated we will bend all our efforts to securing a peaceful future for all our future generations”


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